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Banking jobs in Germany | Deutsche Bundesbank

  Banking jobs in Germany | Deutsche Bundesbank 

Banking jobs in Germany | Deutsche Bundesbank

 Deutsche Bundesbank announced, through its Linkedin account, a bank job (Betriebsingenieur*in) according to the following

  • Completed university education (bachelor's degree, diploma (FH) or equivalent) in the field of energy and building technology, facility management, electrical engineering or supply technology or comparable knowledge from many years of professional experience
  • Several years of current professional experience in building operations or building management
  • Basic construction engineering and legal knowledge to carry out your own construction work and support the construction projects carried out by the Bm
  • Good knowledge of the legal requirements and their implementation in structural, technical and organizational fire protection
  • Knowledge of techniques for converting, transmitting and providing energy; Knowledge in the area of building management technology
  • Advanced knowledge of the relevant standards, regulations and technical rules relevant to building operation as well as knowledge of the relevant occupational safety and fire protection regulations
  • Commercial and business knowledge including the procurement and contract regulations for construction work and the HOAI
  • Ability to create bills of quantities for maintenance activities
  • Solid knowledge of MS Office applications and, if possible, software knowledge for CAD, CAFM as well as for tendering and awarding construction work
  • Ability to analyze and evaluate complex issues and communicate them in an appropriate manner; consulting skills;
  • confident and authoritative demeanor, ability to work in a team
  • assertiveness and negotiation skills; willingness to take responsibility and independence; very good oral and written expression in German

Details and apply for this job at Deutsche Bundesbank as follows:

Click here
