United Arab Bank announced, through its Linkedin account, a bank job in uae (Assistant Manager, Investor Relations) according to the following:
Assist in preparation of quarterly results collaterals like the Management Discussion & Analysis statement (MDA), earnings presentation, corporate presentations, quarterly series, factsheet.
Liaising with sell-side analysts, compiling consensus and providing the requested information as relevant.
Collating and providing data to rating agencies on an accurate and timely basis.
Ensuring adherence to ADX listed company disclosure requirements and other regulations.
Organize and participate in earnings calls, conferences and investor roadshows.
Prepare and manage the content for the IR page on the corporate website.
Annual Report – assisting in collation of data across various departments and liaising with the vendors and other departments to prepare and publish the report.
Tracking and analyzing Share Price and Shareholder activity through analysis of trade logs and sharebook.
Peer analysis and tracking macro-level economic & banking data.
Variance and ratio analysis, KPI measurement, IR database management.
Details and apply for this United Arab Bank follows: