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bank jobs Germany | career at Deutsche Bundesbank

  bank jobs Germany | career at Deutsche Bundesbank 


Banking Jobs In Germany | Deutsche Bundesbank careers

Deutsche Bundesbank announced, through its Linkedin account, a bank job Building technician (specializing in electrical engineering) according to the following

  • You monitor and operate the technology in our office building.
  • You are responsible for carrying out inspection, maintenance and repair work.
  • You will localize and independently rectify faults in technical systems as part of the assigned tasks.
  • You are also responsible for the technical support of external companies as well as the monitoring of deadlines and processes.
  • Completed vocational training as an electrician or electronics technician
  • Professional experience and good specialist knowledge of building services engineering and MSR technology
  • Knowledge of the relevant standards and accident prevention regulations
  • Independent, careful and systematic way of working
  • Safe and well-groomed appearance
  • High level of commitment
  • Good communication skills
  • teamwork
  • Exercise capacity
  • MS Office basic knowledge 

Details and apply for this Deutsche Bundesbank career as follows:

Click here
